Friday 18 May 2007

Marathon 5. Dog & Hedgehog 1/2 marathon x 2, Sunday 13th May.

(The little red thing is a feather duster!)

I had been looking forward to this race as I thought it would be an ideal taper-down run. My friend Shawn “Badger” Wilebore had decided that he was going to run it twice…the second time in fancy dress! As it is soon to be his big 4 0, he wanted to do something mad to raise money for Children with Leukaemia. So he did, and muggins here did it with him (except for the fancy dress of course). Yes, we ran it twice, and it was pretty damned wet and cold on the second lap, so much so that even my wrinkly bits were wrinkled when we had finished!

We had both achieved fairly fast times the first time round so we had to dig deep to find the energy for the second, but we made it in a total time of less than 3hrs 50mins and what a reception we received from our supporters as we came round the final bend…all three of them! Thank you Linda, Christian and Shawn’s mum. It was the best part of the run seeing you there and very much appreciated, I can tell you.

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